Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brilliantly Easy Peanut Butter Fudge

Brilliantly Easy Peanut Butter Fudge 

(taken from

substituted butter, for double hash butter
add 1/2 cup Nutella, if you want chocolate
peanut butter fudge. 



  • 1 cup hash butter
  • 2 1/4 cups brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar


  1. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar and milk. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Pour over confectioners' sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat until smooth; pour into an 8x8 inch dish. Chill until firm and cut into squares. 

The Most Important Ingredient

Hash is the most important ingredient when making THC infused products. It is important because it is pure trichomes.

Trichomes are the tiny crystal like substance that is on the buds, leaves, and stems. These have the THC and Cannabanoids (CBD) that make the brain and body relax.

With this said, I believe, it is important to get a set of bubble bags.

This is my method of  Hash Extraction.
Notice the Crystals or Trichomes

Bubble Hash Recipe 
1. Take 100 grams of Marijuana Trim (Make sure this consists of mostly popcorn buds and late week stage trim and trim from after the buds were dried, no stems really because you don't want to puncture the bubble bags.)
2. Take a bag of ice, and smash it, crush it. The smaller the ice crystals, the easier it is to remove the trichomes from the Trim.
3. In a 5 gallon bucket, put one bag of ice and 2/3 gallons of water, mix with a long fat wooden stick. Mix like a tea, mix trim tea for an hour. Churning like butter.
4. Put Hash bags into another 5 gallon bucket, 25 first, then 45 inside that, and 73, 90, 100, 120, 160, 190, 200, 220. The 220 bag is what you pour your Trim Tea into. Add 1/2 gallon of water. Let it steep in the bags for at least 45 minutes.
5. Take 220 bag out and put into the first bucket to sit.
6. Take each bag and shake it briskly to get all excess water out of the bag. Place the bag in another bucket and pull down. Scrap hash from bag bottom and place on a cheesecloth or has bag drying cloth.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 two times to yield at least a half ounce of hash.

Trim in the Ice Mix

Final Cooking and Smoking Hash

Grades of bags:
25: Cooking Hash
45: Smoking Hash
73: Smoking Hash
90: Cooking Hash
100: Cooking Hash
120: Cooking Hash
160: Cooking Hash
190: Cooking Hash
200: Cooking Hash
220: Trim Tea Bag

This is the most important ingredient. 

The Mother of Invention is Necessity

After working as a cook and learning to love it and good food preparation, I have wished for a cookbook for THC infused products that actually tasted good.   I have spent years searching the internet for recipes for bubble hash, hash butter, and hash infused products only to find people's crazy, stoner concoctions or to find that people were still only using the buds and vegetable matter in their butter.

I, personally, do not like the chlorophyll taste in the food that is from the plants when it is directly steeped in butter or oil for hours. However, the effects can be quite strong and pleasant. The taste is not what I prefer.

A little about me, I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I use these recipes for medicinal purposes. I have tried all of these recipes and to the best of my knowledge they are delicious and thorough methods.